This web page offers an answer to the following question.

What do you believe is the source of your perception that you have transgender imbalance?

Science confirms that the source of transgender bodies is an imbalance that drives an individual to undergo medical procedures that turn a healthy biological body into an unhealthy transgender body. However science hasn’t been able to confirm the source of that imbalance. Science is using brain scan research to attempt to determine the source of transgender imbalance in biological humans.

Since there is brain scan research that does indicate there may be a physical component involved, any moral code that wants to find the source of transgender imbalance in biological humans must consider this evidence. As shown below, at least two opinions exist on what brain scan research is revealing.

opposing theories

The truth concerning what brain scans are showing won’t change, but what that truth is hasn’t been determined yet. The following video introduces two theories regarding what brain scan technology is revealing. If the theory more compatible with Christianity’s teachings is correct, mental health professionals can help those who develop transgender imbalance since they have a “birth difference.” If the theory more compatible with the teachings of the rainbow moral code is correct, mental health professionals can’t help individuals who develop transgender imbalance since they have a “birth defect.” The video below explains the difference between a birth defect and a birth difference.

Perceiving you are a traditional human, a same-sex human or a human born in the wrong body is always a perception. Something biological, such as a chemical imbalance in the brain, might contribute to that perception, but it is a perception. What a moral code teaches is the source of these perceptions is essential. Two chapters from “The Theory” that deal with the source of these perceptions can be downloaded by devices capable of downloading PDF documents by clicking the links below. Reading these chapters will help develop your “belief” concerning the source of transgender imbalance and same-sex humans.

The book explains that other possible sources of chemical imbalances are actual chemicals. Many young people are put on mind-altering drugs at a young age. Also, the growth hormones and other nasty chemicals in the food people are fed these days are likely a source of chemical imbalances. As the video suggests, these chemical imbalances increase the chances their minds process information differently. A mind that perceives it was placed in the wrong body is processing information differently. 

The two dominant moral codes in America are in the process of formulating their “beliefs” on the source of transgender imbalance and same-sex humans. Since it is perceptions that make individuals perceive they have transgender imbalance, perceive they are a same-sex human or perceive they are a traditional human, it will help to have a productive conversation concerning the source of these perceptions.

What do you believe is the source of these perceptions?

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4 thoughts on “Source of Trans Imbalance”

  1. I believe that Christians need to fight harder to get these individuals the help they need. It does make sense that there could be chemical imbalances involved but I have a gut feeling that most of these individuals are being messed up by the whole LGBTQ movement. It’s not helping these individuals to have others suggest it should be considered normal to think that you were born in the wrong body. i believe these individuals are crying out for help and they aren’t getting the help they need.

  2. Claiming that the source is biological is the same thing that homosexuals and lesbians did to gain acceptance. I believe these individuals have a mental imbalance so I believe the best thing is to encourage them to talk with a physiatrists.

  3. As these questions are intended to help individuals that like to be called “transgender humans” I decided to look at these questions from the viewpoint if they will help these individuals as intended. First off using the phrase “transgender imbalance” should help as currently these individuals are being encouraged to believe there’s nothing wrong with them. Without this phrase the question would be ” What do you believe is the source of you being a transgender human?” That question isn’t going to help them much as they are being taught to believe that being a “transgender human’ is something to be proud of. That question won’t stop to make them think. however if they have to answer about the source of their “transgender imbalance” they might also start thinking if having “transgender imbalance” is something to be proud of.

    Another thing they are being taught is that the source of their “transgender imbalance’ is physical. As another commenter mentioned this is the same thing they were taught about the source of homosexuals and lesbians. If they are taught that it is physical, then they will come to believe that there is no cure for their condition. personally there are so many homosexuals and lesbians out there now days i don’t believe that God made them all that way. There might be a reason God would make a few homosexuals and lesbians but I am starting to believe that our education system and social media is making many of them. I believe our education system and social media is making most of these “transgender humans” as well. I think this question is one that probably will help some individuals because if nothing else it will help them to realize they have a condition they shouldn’t be proud of. Also it will help Christians to start challenging this belief that all homosexuals, lesbians and “transgender humans” don’t have a choice in their destiny. I believe most, if not all, have a choice since I find it hard to believe that God would make so many of them. I don’t buy that the source is God which is what they are telling Christians, Jews and Muslims when they say the source is something physical.

  4. ryanstiller534

    This is a good question for everyone that has to deal with this issue somehow whether it is a friend or family member that thinks they might have been born in the wrong body. The source of what I believe has to be at least partly a mental illness is important. If you know what the source is you might be able to fix it. I still believe many lesbians and homosexuals have some kind of mental illness that makes them want to even consider that lifestyle. No one has ever proved that any homosexual, lesbian or man who thinks he is a woman is born with some kind of physical defect that forces them to believe what they believe about themselves so thinking about the source of why they suspect they are different should help them.

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