Rethinking our approach

The questions on this web page are meant to help individuals struggling with transgender imbalance. It is logical that the approach of pretending these individuals don’t have transgender imbalance by calling them transgender humans is preventing many from getting the help they need. Asking these questions is a new approach. The questions are meant to increase the chances that those who can be helped by mental health professionals will seek the help they need.

Note: Clicking on each question will take you to a possible answer.

What do you believe is the source of your perception that you have transgender imbalance?

Please click here to find out why this might be the most important question to ask.


What kind of personal responsibility do you believe society should expect of someone who develops transgender imbalance?

This question is a must-ask question of all Americans as currently no one is asking those who develop transgender imbalance to exercise personal responsibility with their condition. Please click here for more.

Have you been tested to see if you will have to give up “God’s Inalienable Choice” to be put into a transgender body?

Please click here to find out why this is a must-ask question for anyone considering transitioning to a transgender body.

Do you understand the reason most Christians believe that the vast majority of individuals who develop “transgender imbalance” can be helped by mental health professionals?

This question is directed at leaders of the Christian Church though it should help individuals with transgender imbalance to know the reason why as well. That reason can be found by clicking here.

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Please describe the moral code you follow.

Clicking here will explain why this could be a beneficial question.

Do you believe you may be a victim of a gender-change procedure performed by amateurs?

Since there is a high probability that someone with transgender imbalance is a victim of a gender-change procedure performed by amateurs, this question has the potential to help. It is also another question concerning the source of transgender imbalance. Please click here for more.

Are you ready to commit to living the rest of your life with transgender imbalance?

This question should be asked of anyone who is seriously considering transitioning to a transgender body just to be sure they are aware there are irrevocable consequences to that decision. Please click here for at least three irrevocable consequences.

Has anyone explained how unhealthy and expensive your transgender body will be?

Is it true that these bodies are extremely unhealthy? Please click here for more. 

How soon after you start dating a person should you tell them you are in a transgender body that doesn’t have the birthright of God’s inalienable Choice?

Asking this question will bring another negative consequence of having a body-change procedure into their decision making process which should help to convince more individuals to seek the help of mental health professionals. For more please click here.

One issue that unites all decent humans in a position to provide help is to provide that help, especially if it doesn’t require major sacrifices to provide the help. Even the homeless are in a position to ask the above questions. Is it time to start asking these questions?