Reproductive Fairness

Reproductive fairness

The “Reproductive Fairness Proposal” is not a law. It is a proposal for followers of every moral code, but it can only be made to individuals that know the definition of “God’s Inalienable Choice.” Please click here if you don’t know what “God’s Inalienable Choice” is.

The Reproductive Fairness proposal is:

It is proposed that it is only fair to punish both the man and the woman, instead of just the woman, when they use “God’s Inalienable Choice” to get the woman pregnant “By Mistake” instead of “On Purpose” since it takes two to commit that crime.

Currently, only the woman or the Life growing inside the woman’s womb is punished when a man is involved with getting a woman pregnant “By Mistake.” Her punishment is a choice between enduring the pain of letting the Life out alive or having the Life aborted. If she chooses abortion instead of mercy, the unborn Life’s punishment is to be prevented from getting out of her womb alive. Currently, there isn’t any punishment for the man or even significant discussion about how to punish the man.

Are you ready

The concept of reproductive fairness punishes both the man and the woman for the crime of using God’s Inalienable Choice to get the woman pregnant “By Mistake.” The punishment for the woman is to make it inconvenient to allow her to punish the Life for the crime she committed with a man. If the woman is persistent that she should be allowed to punish the “Life” for her crime, she will have to suffer the inconvenience of traveling to another State to ensure the Life doesn’t make it out alive.

Since a man doesn’t have a womb, the man’s punishment must be different. The books offered for sale on this website contain two common sense suggestions for punishing the man involved. These two suggestions are in the “The Penalty for Creating Life By Mistake.” chapter. This chapter can be downloaded on the web page for “The The Act of Creating Life.

To comply with the ideals of the “Compassionate Offense,” each of the fifty-one “Communities” in the Nation of Communities shown below gets to decide what they consider fair when it comes to punishing the man, the woman and the “Life” placed inside a woman’s womb “By Mistake.”

Please let others know what you think is fair by commenting below.

Nation of Communities

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