Question whose choice

A choice to make

Pro-choice individuals are always claiming that it is the woman’s “choice to make” concerning if abusing her “birthright” of God’s Inalienable Choice with a man is a valid reason to have an abortion. If you don’t believe this is true just ask anyone who is pro-choice if they “support” all reasons as valid reasons for a woman to choose to hire an abortion doctor and they will confirm they do. To someone who is pro-choice “abusing the birthright of God’s Inalienable Choice” is just another reason they support as a valid reason to have an abortion.

If you believe it is the voters “choice to make” instead of either the woman or her abortion doctor’s “choice to make,” please ask the politicians of you “Community” to allow voters to make the choice. There are many ways to allow voters to vote on what reasons are valid reasons to force a woman to travel to another Community to have an abortion. Since it can be done why not put it on the ballot?

The answer to the question from the founders of FACT is that it is the voter’s “choice to make.”

What is your answer?