Have you been tested

want to know

This web page offers an answer to the following question.

Have you been tested to see if you will have to give up “God’s Inalienable Choice” to be put into a transgender body?

“God’s Inalienable Choice” is a birthright that any individual who wants to start a family with a partner they love considers an invaluable birthright. Ask any lesbian who has to go to a fertility clinic to get pregnant if she believes that “God’s Inalienable Choice” is a valuable birthright, and she will confirm it is.

The question about testing for this birthright is essential because any individual granted their half of “God’s Inalienable Choice” has to give up that birthright to be put into a transgender body or to become a same-sex human. An advantage a same-sex human has is that they can still have children using a fertility clinic as long as their body produces eggs or sperm. Any individual that has a body-change procedure due to developing transgender imbalance will eventually lose the ability to produce either eggs or sperm if they had it to begin with. Any child that transitions before they are old enough to have their eggs or sperm stored will never be able to reproduce.

The idea behind this question is that it should help an individual contemplating a body-change procedure to consider the severe consequences of the decision to transition. Currently, no moral codes are encouraging individuals to get tested for this birthright before a transition. If they test positive for this birthright, this may convince them to try a gender-change procedure to get back in balance before resorting to a body-change procedure. As illustrated below, mental health professionals perform gender-change procedures. A gender-change procedure is often successful at changing the mind to match the body.


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3 thoughts on “Have you been tested”

  1. I really like this question. many individuals considering transitioning to a body that isn’t male and isn’t female might not realize the gravity of that decision. Hopefully most will see a mental health professional after they are tested. What I would really like to see is laws passed that would prevent a parent from transitioning a child at least until they are old enough to be tested. I saw a comment once under an article about a parent transitioning her six-year old “daughter.” That comment said it was child abuse to transition a child that young. I hate for the government to interfere with a parents rights but I do agree transitioning a child that young is child abuse.

  2. As far as helping individuals that have developed “transgender imbalance” in my opinion this is an excellent question. I don’t have any suggestions for changing the wording as it is fine just the way it is. The only problem is that most people don’t know what the “birthright” of “God’s inalienable Choice” is. I didn’t know until I came to this website. What I would like to see is more States passing laws that require a person that came out of a womb in a male or female body has to grow up enough to be tested for this “birthright” before they can start transitioning to a “transgender body.”

  3. ryanstiller534

    I have never heard the term “God’s Inalienable Choice” but as a Christian I like it as a way to describe the birthright that many men and women will have to give up to be put in a transgender body. Hopefully progressives/liberals that want to help cure these individuals contemplating putting themselves in a transgender body will like it as well. We’ll see if the “truth” catches on. This question is a perfect example of how the “truth” can be used to help others. Hopefully getting tested will change their minds before they do something they regret.

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