Proper Personal Responsibility


This web page offers an answer to the following question.

What kind of personal responsibility do you believe society should expect of someone who develops transgender imbalance?

The following video contains two examples of personal responsibility that individuals who develop transgender imbalance could be expected to exercise.

Any individual who has transgender imbalance can live close to a normal life by exercising the two forms of personal responsibility described in the video. Transgender imbalance is a horrible condition, but if an individual who develops this condition would show consideration for others by voluntarily exercising personal responsibility most of the problems transgender imbalance is causing will go away. If the Christian and rainbow moral codes agree on the definition of proper personal responsibility with transgender imbalance, it will be easier to pass laws to force individuals who refuse to be considerate to be considerate.


An interesting point not explained in the video is that, thanks to the influencers of the rainbow moral code, there are now two levels of personal responsibility in sports that can be expected of athletes who develop transgender imbalance. They are:

The Woke Standard for personal responsibility in sports: The woke standard allows “female” athletes to be in male, female or transgender bodies since the only personal responsibility required is to identify perceived gender. Woke ideology is usually associated with beliefs that originate from the radical denominations of the rainbow moral code. Many members of the original LGBTQ denomination disagree with the woke standard for competing in sports championed by the radical LGBTQ+ and LGBTQIA+ denominations. Coding this level of personal responsibility into law would require rule books to have “woke” rules. Followers of the rainbow moral code have yet to propose any laws, but the Reducing Transgender Imbalance Act proposed by some Christians does make “woke” rules in rule books optional.

The Traditional Standard for personal responsibility in sports: The personal responsibility required by the traditional standard is for a “female” athlete to be born female, to refrain from taking performance-enhancing drugs and to earn respect by training hard. With this standard, developing transgender imbalance doesn’t create a “transgender right” to deny science. Coding the traditional standard into law would require allowing organizations that arrange sports competitions to have a rule that would allow a “female” athlete to be disqualified for showing up to a competition in either a male or transgender body. The proposed Reducing Transgender Imbalance Act would allow this rule.

Since developing transgender imbalance has become quite prevalent, America does need a policy or policies to deal with this terrible condition. The Reducing Transgender Imbalance Act is a cornerstone of a suggested Christian policy to deal with transgender imbalance in athletes who have convinced themselves they have the form of transgender imbalance that can’t be cured by mental health professionals. More on this law can be found by clicking here.

Showing an example of what most Christians classify as not exercising personal responsibility might prove helpful. Hopefully, only radical followers of the rainbow moral code can watch the following video and argue that it is a “transgender right” for a woman with a penis to walk around naked in a woman’s spa. The naked “woman” with the penis is never shown in the video, but there is minor profanity.

It is unknown if the woman with the penis in the video was an individual with transgender imbalance not exercising proper personal responsibility or an individual with unknown intentions taking advantage of the current conditions on the ground in the “Community of California.”

The founders of FACT believe that teaching proper personal responsibility with transgender imbalance is something followers of the rainbow and Christian moral codes could do better. Comments concerning what Christians should teach about “transgender personal responsibility” will be appreciated.

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4 thoughts on “Proper Personal Responsibility”

  1. I definitely agree that these individuals should be expected to voluntarily exercise the personnel responsibility described in the video. it doesn’t seem like they are teaching personnel responsibility anymore. Since there will always be some that won’t do it voluntarily I do have to support laws that force them to exercise personnel responsibility.

  2. Nobody seems to teach personal responsibilty these days. It is true that if they did exercise personal responsibilty that the two big problems would go away. Bathroom use and sports are the two big problems.

  3. As far as this question helping these individuals I think a better version would be “Why do you think you have a right to demand that you don’t have to exercise personal responsibility with your transgender imbalance?” It’s definitely more blunt and confrontational but that might be just what those that can still be helped need. Also they are running around demanding that since they are the ones that developed “transgender imbalance” that now society is the one that has the problem and needs to cave into their demands that male and “transgender bodies” have to be treated like female bodies. Hopefully all Christians, Jews, Muslims, and even most progressives will agree that they are the ones that should make the sacrifices. How much of a sacrifice is it to realize that others have a “right” to consider a male or “transgender body” different from a female body? They are the ones that are out of balance. Is it to much to ask for them to exercise a little personal responsibility so that they don’t make our society out of balance as well? I think some version of this question needs to be asked of everyone. I’d like to see the response from those that are encouraging this behavior. Is the “transgender right” they are marching for the “right” to force others to believe their male or “transgender bodies” are female? Talk about science deniers.

  4. ryanstiller534

    This hits the nail on the head. if these people insist that they have “transgender imbalance” they really do need to start exercising some personal responsibility with their condition. Just because they have a problem doesn’t mean they have to cause a problem for everybody else. My word if you want to go into a woman’s spa have some decency and at least have your male body parts removed first.

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