Amateur gender change procedures

gender change procedur

This web page offers an answer to the following question.

Do you believe you may be a victim of a gender-change procedure performed by amateurs?

The above illustration should give you a good idea of the definition of a gender change procedure. A gender change procedure helps to change a person’s “perceived gender” to match their birth gender. In other words, the procedure is meant to get someone with transgender imbalance back in balance by changing their mind to match their body instead of changing their body to match their mind. Mental health professionals should handle gender change procedures.

A significant problem our culture is experiencing is that many, probably most, gender change procedures are performed by amateurs. Proof these amateurs are at work in high schools and colleges can be seen in the before and after “perceived genders” of students entering and leaving these institutions. Many individuals enter a high school or college as one perceived gender and leave as a different perceived gender. Their perceived genders did change while attending these institutions. This change is evidence that amateurs are active in these institutions. This evidence indicates that a significant source of transgender imbalance is friends, family and teachers who think they are helping.

There are two possible directions for a gender change procedure. These are the positive and negative directions. Mental health professionals perform positive direction gender-change procedures. The positive direction encourages vulnerable individuals to change their minds to match their bodies. The negative direction is to push these individuals to believe they must change their body to match their mind. Some moral codes believe it is better to push these individuals in the negative direction rather than upset them. More insight on the positive versus the negative direction is in a chapter from “The Theory.” That chapter can be opened in PDF format by clicking here.

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2 thoughts on “Amateur gender change procedures”

  1. To me this hits the nail on the head. Schools, movies and social media are definitely pushing youth in the wrong direction. I’m an older individual. This is a problem that didn’t exist probably not even five years ago. It would be nice if tolerance and inclusion could solve all problems but sometimes what is needed is a reality check. Reality says that urging a friend or family member to mess up their body with permanent medical procedures isn’t helping them. I believe these individual need help and are victims of anyone that urges them to do something anyone can see is the wrong thing to do.

  2. I don’t know how good a question this will be to help individuals that come to a Christian Church for help. It might be a good approach as it could lead to opening up a useful conversation since who ever is asking it will probably have to explain what is meant by a “negative direction gender-change procedure.” Since it is a bit confusing who ever is asking will probably be asked to explain the question which technically is the start of a conversation. However once I figured out what seems to be meant by a “negative direction gender-change procedure ” I have to agree that many individuals are victims of many of the conversations they have with “friends” on social media and our education system (this probably includes many teachers and professors). So getting back to my opinion if this is a good question or not I am of the opinion it will depend on who is asking. I believe any conversation will help many of these individuals as what many of them probably need is someone to talk to. I do agree that many of the social media influencers that are pushing this idea that people can be born in the wrong body definitely aren’t trained professionals and many might have bad intentions if they aren’t a bit out of balance themselves. I know I had some problems when I was younger. I was probably lucky to be raised before social media and the take over of our education system by those with very different ideas and values that I have.

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